Memorial for Kyle, Brendon and Milton   |

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Jon's Adult Hockey League News Release
Dear Hockey Player,
         In February of this year, three very fine young men lost their 
lives in an automobile accident.  To honor the lives of Milton Carter, 
Brendon Benner and Kyle Barden, who were all Cleveland Heights High School 
Hockey players, Jon Evans' Adult Hockey League is donating the proceeds of 
its 2nd annual charity fund-raiser on June 10th, 2001 to the memorial fund 
set up in their memory.  The event will take place between 5 PM and 7 PM at 
the Thornton Park skating facility located at 20701 Farnsleigh Road, Shaker 
Heights just east of Warrensville Center Road.
Please consider being a sponsor, advertiser or donating funds to:

Barden, Benner, Carter Memorial and Scholarship Fund

The purpose of the fund is to aid area youth hockey programs and 
college-bound hockey players. Your support is greatly appreciated.

c/o "Heights HS Hockey Memorial Fund"

Merchant Sponsor in Program:            Individual Name in Program
Business Card           $25.00          Assist          $10.00
Quarter Page            $35.00          Goal            $20.00
Half Page               $50.00          Hat Trick       $50.00
Full Page               $100.00         Stanley Cup     $100.00

Corporate Sponsorships are available upon request and will be recognized.

         Please help raise money for this fund!!!  If you can donate any 
amount, please do so.  If you own a business or corporation please consider 
advertising in the program.  If you know of a significant source of funds 
and/or would like to help raise additional money please let Chris or I 
know.  Additionally, the games will be held on June 10th the final two 
games of the spring season will be held immediately after the Charity Game, 
so why not come down a little early to show your support?
Send Donations, made payable to "Heights HS Hockey Memorial Fund" to:
Jon Evans
PO Box 202646
Shaker Heights, OH 44120
Hand it to me at the rink!

See you on the ice,
Chris & Jon
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