The 2002 Barden Benner Carter Scholarships were awarded to Jared Lavender, Megan Miracle and Justin Kalman.
The scholarships were presented by Wendy Lewis, sister of Milton Carter, at the Heights High senior awards ceremony on June 5th.
These three college bound students were awarded $2000, $1500 and $1000, respectively.
Jared and Justin both played for the Heights varsity hockey team, and Megan was one of the team's statisticians.
The Barden Benner Carter Memorial Fund awards scholarships to college bound
Cleveland Heights High School seniors who are affiliated with the hockey program.
Kyle, Brendon and Milton were three fun loving and much
loved young men who lost their lives just as they were beginning to realize
their potentials and look to their futures. For all three young men, hockey
had been a passion and a focus of their childhood and teen years. This
scholarship has been established in the memory of these three boys by their
The Barden Benner Carter Scholarships were first awarded in 2001 to
Margot Benjamin (John Carroll University), Robin Pospisil (Miami University), and Jill Lindsay (Miami University).
All three were Heights hockey statisticians.