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June 4, 2003
Barden Benner Carter Scholarships

The 2003 Barden Benner Carter Scholarships were awarded on June 4th at the Heights High senior awards ceremony. Abi Barden presented the scholarships, totaling $6000, to four college bound students. This year's recipients are:

Ben WingerCornell University
John SharpeBaldwin Wallace
Erin WestUniversity of Michigan
Dave AustinTuskegee University

Each student received between $1000 and $2500. Two of the recipients, Ben Winger and John Sharpe, were co-captains of the Heights hockey team.

Abi Barden presents the scholarships. Ben Winger, John Sharpe and Dave Austin receive their awards.

The Barden Benner Carter Memorial Fund awards scholarships to college bound Cleveland Heights High School seniors who are affiliated with the hockey program. Kyle, Brendon and Milton were three fun loving and much loved young men who lost their lives just as they were beginning to realize their potentials and look to their futures. For all three young men, hockey had been a passion and a focus of their childhood and teen years. This scholarship has been established in the memory of these three boys by their families.

The Barden Benner Carter Scholarships were first awarded in 2001. Find out more about previous years' scholarships.



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